Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs - Third Edition

Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs - Third Edition
Förlag Square One Publishing
Antal sidor128
Vikt350 gr
ISBN 9780757004827
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Over twelve million people in the UK have high blood pressure. Although prescription drugs may effectively treat this problem, they have potentially dangerous side effects. Fortunately, natural alternatives are available. In this updated third edition of LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE WITHOUT DRUGS, best-selling author Roger Mason provides a proven nutritional approach to lowering blood pressure safely and naturally. The book begins by explaining what hypertension is, what causes it, and how it is diagnosed. From there, it goes on to describe how a simple diet, rich in whole grains and low in fat, can improve both blood pressure and general health. This is followed by chapters that address such key topics as the best nutritional supplements to take; which exercises are most effective; how to maintain hormonal balance; and, just as important, how to overcome poor dietary and lifestyle habits. LOWER BLOOD PRESSURE WITHOUT DRUGS can be your first step towards safely and effectively improving your health.