Paleo in a nutshell - living and eating the way nature intended

Paleo in a nutshell - living and eating the way nature intended
Förlag Square One Publishing
GenreHälsa, skönhet och sex
Antal sidor176
Vikt400 gr
ISBN 9780757004506
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PALEO IN A NUTSHELL is an eye-opening guide to restoring our health by eating the foods for which our bodies are designed to consume. What Geoff Bond has discovered is that our hunter-gatherer ancestors had never experienced the health disorders that plague us today. This is because their diets, environment and daily activities were far more in touch with their bodies than our way of life today. Although our diet has become our most dysfunctional feature, other aspects of the Paleo lifestyle are essential to explore as well. In this book, we learn how and why our ancestors thrived and explore how things went wrong when we stopped behaving in agreement with our evolutionary past. We are, also, provided with an “Owner's Manual” - a guide to appropriate and healthy foods with which to fuel our bodies - and a step-by-step plan for implementing this way of eating. While you may no longer have time to hunt and forage for your food, this book offers modern and simple substitutions for you to use, as well as several delicious recipes. Written in simple-to-understand language, PALEO IN A NUTSHELL is all you need to find your way back to a healthier and more natural way of living.