Knights Of Columbus

Knights Of Columbus
Förlag Square One Publishing
Antal sidor296
Vikt1800 gr
ISBN 9780757003080
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From its 1882 founding by a handful of men from a small, predominantly Irish Catholic parish in New Haven, Connecticut, the Knights of Columbus has grown to an international brotherhood of nearly 2 million members across North America and throughout the world. Formed by Father Michael J. McGivney with the men of his parish, the new fraternal organisation was committed to the principles of charity and unity, while supporting the faith and financial viability of its members and their families. From its earliest days, the organisation made the case that one could be both a good Catholic and a true American citizen, pushing back against the religious discrimination that was all too common. It would soon grow into an organisation whose members supported one another while, also, contributing to their parishes, their communities, their countries and the world. Lavishly illustrated with hundreds of beautiful photos, THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS presents the story of this remarkable organisation - and the many ways in which it has helped individuals, while, also, helping shape American and world history at key moments. In nearly a century and a half, since its humble beginnings, the Knights of Columbus has touched the lives of countless individuals - Catholic and non-Catholic - in communities around the world. Through war and peace, it has remained the “strong right arm of the Catholic Church,” helping its neighbours next door and around the world with help and hope, faith and freedom.