Cauldron of memory - retrieving ancestral knowledge and wisdom

Cauldron of memory - retrieving ancestral knowledge and wisdom
Förlag Llewellyn
GenreAstrologi och esoterika
Antal sidor264
Vikt454 gr
ISBN 9780738715759
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Many of us long to walk in the footsteps of our ancestors and take part in the sacred traditions of past generations. As a vitally important lineage bearer of your ancestors, you have the ability to tap into a wealth of hereditary knowledge for spiritual health, personal transformation, and enlightenment.

The Cauldron of Memory is a groundbreaking book that teaches you how to retrieve ancestral memory, based on the emerging science of morphogenesis and the theory that ancestral memory is stored within our DNA as energy. Raven Grimassi guides you through an effective and powerful system of creative visualization, magical techniques, meditations, and pathworkings for each of your three inner levels: regeneration, abundance, and enlightenment.