Willing hands - in the service of the lord

Willing hands - in the service of the lord
Förlag Square One Publishing
Antal sidor112
Vikt300 gr
ISBN 9780757004612
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We all have a purpose in life. We may not know or fully understand it yet, but we all have a God-given reason to exist. We are part of God's master plan - a plan that includes a life of service. We were uniquely created to help others, not just ourselves. Anyone who has extended a hand to someone in need knows how good it feels to reach out - often receiving an unexpected amount of joy and fulfilment in return. And Almighty God actually prepares opportunities to serve others and sets them before us. He cares enough to provide each of us with special occasions to aid others - opportunities that teach us how to become more like Him. In the words of Paul the Apostle, “For we are his workmanship, having been created in Christ Jesus for good works that God prepared beforehand so we may do them.” (Ephesians 2:10) The purpose of WILLING HANDS is to remind Christians and non-Christians alike of their responsibility to serve others and encourage them to do so. It offers dozens of practical, easy-to-accomplish ways to fulfil this mission - at home, work and school - among family and friends, through church and community outreach programmes and much more. Accompanied by inspirational Biblical references, each suggested service is an opportunity to live a life of love by ministering to your fellow man.