On Africa : scholars and African studies : contributions in honour of Lennart Wohlgemuth

On Africa : scholars and African studies : contributions in honour of Lennart Wohlgemuth
Serie Discussion Paper
Förlag Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
GenreSamhälle, politik och debatt
Antal sidor65
Vikt154 gr
ISBN 9789171065858
Köp på AdlibrisKöp på BokusKöp på BookOutletSök på Bokbörsen
This volume is based on contributions to a seminar which was organised in honour of the Institute’s retiring Director Lennart Wohlgemuth in December 2005. African scholars presented their views on “The Role of Africa in ‘African Studies’”, while Nordic scholars and policy makers responded. The deliberations offer a spectre of relevant approaches on both academic as well as policy oriented research and advisory work in and on Africa. The contributions aim at bridging the gap between academics and practitioners. They share a common commitment to African affairs and seek to support and promote these in the international context.