7 Rules of Power

7 Rules of Power
Förlag Grantham Books Services
Antal sidor240
Vikt215 gr
ISBN 9781800751286

<strong>If you want to 'change lives, change organizations, change the world,' the Stanford business school's motto, you need power.</strong>

Is power the last dirty secret or the secret to success? Both. While <em>power</em> carries some negative connotations, power is a tool that can be used for good or evil. Don't blame the tool for how some people used it.

Rooted firmly in social science research, Pfeffer's 7 rules provide a manual for increasing your ability to get things done, including increasing the positive effects of your job performance.

With <em>7 Rules of Power</em>, you'll learn, through both numerous examples as well as research evidence, how to accomplish change in your organization, your life, the lives of others, and the world.