Path Of The Wind

Path Of The Wind
Förlag Square One Publishing
GenreSvenska berättare
Antal sidor320
Vikt450 gr
ISBN 9780757004445
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When Miles Foster received his teaching degree, he dreamed of obtaining a position in the highly respected and financially stable Portland, Oregon school system. Portland was where he and his wife called home - a place where everything a person could want or need was available. Soon Miles had to face the unwelcome reality that there were no job openings in Portland. Even worse, the closest available position was in a remote lumber mill town nearly two hundred miles away in central Oregon. Far from the dream job he had anticipated, Miles took the position, which was in an impoverished school with forty students - students who had been passed over despite the sub-par education they had received. Adding to his challenge was a school board with a controlling superintendent - a jealous man who was intolerant of any teaching outside the box and who became intent on destroying Miles and his teaching career. In THE PATH OF THE WIND, Miles must find a way to effectively educate his students and defeat the damaging control of the superintendent without losing either his job or his marriage or both.