Doing More With Less : The New Way To Wealth

Doing More With Less : The New Way To Wealth
Förlag Square One Publishing
Antal sidor208
Vikt450 gr
ISBN 9780757004261
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DOING MORE WITH LESS dives into our primal competitive instinct, which embraces frugality as a crucial competitive edge. Author, Bruce Piasecki, convincingly explains the case for a return to frugality, providing relevant examples from his thirty years of experience as a management consultant and change agent. Liberate more of your resources by realigning money, people and rules in your life that impact your family and your company. DOING MORE WITH LESS is an actionable call to arms, with global insights - applicable to professionals in any industry - that will make you more adept in the short run and adaptive in the long run. A unique guide to achieving wealth, DOING MORE WITH LESS reveals how the principle of frugality can enable entrepreneurs to endure less risk and capture greater returns for themselves, their families, and their firms.