The Wishing Game

The Wishing Game
Förlag Little Brown
Antal sidor435
Vikt308 gr
ISBN 9780751558920
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Kirkston Abbey is no place for the weak: its rules are harsh and its discipline savage. To fourteen-year-old Jonathan Palmer it is a prison, so he can't believe his luck when Richard Rokeby - the tough, handsome, aloof and beguiling loner - seeks out his friendship. But as the bond between the two boys deepens, Richard grows increasingly possessive, until Jonathan realises that something is not quite right with his new friend. What starts out as an innocent game takes a shocking turn as Jonathan finds himself powerless to stop Richard from unleashing a force which will wreak a terrible fate on them all.

The Wishing Game is a breathtakingly compelling and sinister psychological thriller that launched Patrick Redmond to his much-deserved bestseller status.